

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a hands-on holistic approach where a therapist listens to and follows the body's wise and wonderful intelligence. BCST trusts in the innate wisdom and intelligence of the body's natural capacity to heal. The therapist's role is to create a safe, neutral space for this innate intelligence to express and move from protection to healing. Through sessions of BCST clients can develop a new awareness of themselves on a physiological and emotional level which can lead to increased physical vitality and ease. Working with trauma processes through BCST can aid a reconnection to your innate life-force and works to strengthen your immune system. Sessions are client-led, safe, slow and compassionate.


Tension & Trauma Release

David Berceli's Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises are a powerful self help tool for your resilience toolkit. TRE allows the body to release trauma and tension without having to relive or re-experience. It is best experienced with a Provider who can guide you through activating the tremors and help with self-regulation. Once learnt, the body knows exactly what to do allowing itself to come out of those stuck patterns of fight, flight and freeze. Regular practice can continuously support and promote personal health and wholeness. TRE works well in a group or on a one-to-one basis. Benefits can include reduced anxiety, better sleep, improved relationships with yourself and others, reduced symptoms of PTSD, and increased energy and resilience.


Quantum Energy Coaching

Give me the child until he is 7 and I will show you the man. – Aristotle

If you were a computer operating for the first seven years of your life, ask yourself what programs you might have downloaded from your environment and family. What core beliefs do you hold around self-belief and your own worth and confidence? These beliefs are stored in the subconscious mind and run 95% of how we operate as humans. Quantum Energy Coaching or QEC offers a way to access, identify and change these beliefs in the subconscious. QEC uses a Gestalt based compassionate enquiry, heart coherence from the HeartMath Institute and new understandings of neuroplasticity and neurogenesis in its process. New positive, life-affirming beliefs can be installed in the subconscious replacing the old outdated software we were running on.


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